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New Report Casts Light on Plight of Homeless Veterans

  |  November 10, 2011

A report released two days before Veterans Day suggests that veterans fall deeper into the homeless cycle than most people.

Homeless veterans spend an average of 5.77 years on the streets, nearly two years longer than homeless non-veterans, according to the study by the non-profit 100,000 Homes Campaign.

They also may be more likely to face an early death. Almost 55 percent of homeless veterans reported health conditions linked to heightened mortality among the homeless, compared to 44 percent of non veterans.

About 20 percent of homeless veterans were over 60, compared to 9 percent of non veterans. Iraq and Afghanistan veterans were more likely to face certain challenges. Twenty-seven percent of veterans of those wars reported traumatic brain injuries, compared to 19 percent of other veterans. Forty-six percent of Iraq/Afghanistan veterans needed mental health treatment, compared to 41 percent of other veterans.


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