Homeless Resource Locator

Enter an address, zip code, city, state, or county in the search bar below to locate the nearest homeless service provider to you offering either general assistance for anyone or services geared toward veterans only.

Many thanks to The Rocket Community Fund for their support in developing this tool.
Read more details on how the listings were sourced or request for a provider to be added.

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For immediate assistance for veterans

If you are a veteran who is homeless or at imminent risk of homelessness, call the National Call Center for Homeless Veterans at 877-424-3838 for assistance. It is staffed 24/7 with trained counselors who can talk with you right now and connect you with your nearest VA for assistance.

Additional support

Feeding Pets of the Homeless® helps keep people experiencing homelessness and the pets they love together and cared for by providing pet food and free emergency veterinary care. They also have a searchable directory of shelters that allow pets on-site or have resources for pets.

Information on Homeless Resource Locator sources

This Homeless Resource Locator tool uses the power of Google Maps to identify contact information and locations of over 900 homeless service providers across 50 states. This tool was designed for use by people currently at risk of or experiencing homelessness so they can quickly access their local coordinated entry system and homeless services.

The listings include organizations and agencies beyond the Built for Zero network, and were sourced from the VA’s publicly available list of SSVF providers and the HUD Exchange’s Grantee Contact Information for each Continuum of Care, and from additional information. Read more about how this project was developed and executed here.

Notice an error or broken link on a listing? Email us at builtforzero@community.solutions and let us know where you saw the issue.

Would you like your organization to be added to this list of homeless service providers in our locator?

We are happy to add in those who offer general homeless services to anyone or veterans specifically. Please note: We ask that you only submit the form if your organization or agency is connected to your local coordinated entry system and has a physical office open to the public.


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