Every year during Tableau Conference, Tableau Foundation brings together nonprofits working on complex, global issues for a day-long summit on how data is transforming and amplifying their impact. The Tableau Foundation Summit offers a platform for nonprofits to share how data has transformed their work. But even more importantly, it equips everyone listening with universal lessons around data use, overcoming roadblocks, and transforming organizational culture that they can take back to their own work—regardless of sector or geography.
Having a broad understanding of homelessness in a community is important. But for Community Solutions, the problem with the point-in-time count is that it’s a static number. “These lists were going stale, this data was going stale,” Lindsey Giblin, Community Solutions’ data team lead, told the audience at the summit. The point-in-time count, for instance, doesn’t capture if a single person moved in and out of housing several times over the course of a year, or if a new person fell into homelessness while someone else living on the streets entered into permanent housing. There are all these shifts happening in a community all the time, Giblin said, that an aggregate, annual number just can’t convey.