
Shaping Futures: Insights from the Youth and Young Adult Homelessness Landscape Report

Wednesday, July 31

How has Washington State made progress on a problem as complex and dynamic as youth and young adult homelessness? Join leaders from A Way Home Washington (AWHWA) and the State Office of Homeless Youth Prevention and Protection (OHY) for an interactive discussion streaming on Facebook, LinkedIn, and YouTube. Dive into insights and learnings from their recently released “Yes to Yes” Washington State: Unaccompanied Youth and Young Adult (YYA) Homelessness Landscape Scan.

What to expect

  • Key Findings: Discover the significant milestones and progress Washington has made since the last landscape scan in 2016, including a 40% reduction in youth and young adult homelessness (YYA).
  • Data Insights: Learn about the role of real-time data in transforming how communities address YYA homelessness.
  • Innovative Solutions: Hear about effective programs and community practices.
  • Youth Leadership: Understand the importance of youth voices in shaping strategies and solutions.
  • And more!

This live event is part of a three-part series.
