
Hartford Currant: At Hartford’s Swift Factory, entrepreneurs find space to build businesses, achieve dreams, and it’s ‘just the beginning’

February 4, 2022

HARTFORD — Growing up in Hartford, all Walter Little knew about the M. Swift & Sons factory in the city’s Northeast neighborhood was that it made gold leaf for the dome of the state Capitol.

But in the past year, Little has learned a lot more, like how a $34 million redevelopment of the vacant, rundown factory into an incubator and entrepreneurial space has given Little a chance to build a thriving restaurant business, Chef Walt’s.

“It’s like a dream,” Little said, shaved beef and onions sizzling on the grill and a pot of jerk chicken bubbling nearby. “It gave me an opportunity that I wouldn’t have had, not having the best of credit, not having parents who could back me up.”

The 80,000-square-foot hub of incubator and community space on Love Lane houses mostly Black-owned and women-owned businesses.

Read the full article on Community Solution’s Swift Factory.


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