The Senate returned to DC on July 20 with a commitment to negotiate and pass the next coronavirus relief funding package. These next two weeks are critically important for our advocacy to ensure our communities have the resources they need to stem the inflow into homelessness and keep our most at-risk neighbors stably-housed. We must take action to continue advocating for:
- $100 billion for Emergency Rental Assistance and Eviction Prevention
- A national, uniform moratorium on evictions and foreclosures
- $11.5 billion for Emergency Solutions Grants (ESG)
One way to take action is to participate in a virtual lobby day.
Community Solutions, along with the National Low Income Housing Coalition (NLIHC), the Disaster Housing Recovery Coalition (DHRC), Opportunity Starts at Home (OSAH) and other concerned stakeholders and advocates from across the country participated in a Virtual Lobby Day on July 21, 2020. The goal of the day was to urge key Senate targets to take immediate action to ensure housing stability for people experiencing homelessness and the lowest-income renters during and after the coronavirus pandemic.
Community Solutions organized 4 lobby visits with Senate targets in 4 communities with 25 participants. Community leaders from Colorado, North Carolina, Arizona, and Iowa shared with their Senators how critical additional resources are for their most vulnerable populations, advocating for:
Each Senate office stated their commitment to passing another coronavirus relief funding bill and including resources for those most affected by the current pandemic. We will ensure these Senators stay true to their promises. To help us, you can take the following actions:
- Learn more about the HEROES Act.
- Contact your Senators to make sure they know how important these resources are. Learn how to call, email, or tweet at your Senators.
- Spread the word on social media. After you take action, ask your friends, family, and colleagues to contact their Senators too. This is a team effort! Use these graphics and urge your followers to get involved.