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New Housing, Health Supports On the Way in Brownsville

Community Solutions and partners will build affordable housing, fresh food and recreation facilities in Brownsville, Brooklyn, on a long-vacant site
  |  July 30, 2018

The City of New York’s Department of Housing, Preservation and Development (HPD) announced last week that Community Solutions and our partners have been selected to create a transformational mixed-use project on long vacant sites along Livonia Avenue in Brownsville. The completed project will include more than 420 units of affordable housing, a supermarket, cafe,  commissary kitchen, rooftop greenhouse and a ground-level recreation facility.

The concept for this critically needed development was included in the Brownsville Plan, completed in 2017 as a collaboration between City agencies and neighborhood residents and organizations, including the Brownsville Partnership, a project of Community Solutions. The Planlays out a shared vision for the future of Brownsville, which includes the equitable development of vacant city-owned land to create more affordable housing and needed amenities for the neighborhood. The City made the Livonia Avenue announcement as part of the first annual progress report on the Brownsville Plan.

“Together with our partners and the community, the Brownsville Partnership is addressing the physical conditions of the neighborhood to increase the supply of affordable housing and improve health outcomes for residents. Simply put, good housing and the neighborhood you live in affects your health. Access to fresh food and opportunities for physical activity matter,” says Rosanne Haggerty, President of Community Solutions. “We are thrilled to develop the Livonia 4 site, along with Catholic Charities Progress of Peoples Development Corporation and Radson Development, to advance the vision of a healthy, vibrant community set out in the Brownsville Plan.” 

Click here to read more about this project in the Wall Street Journal.


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