Kaiser Permanente is supporting efforts to prevent the spread of COVID-19 among those without permanent housing in Placer County with the goal of improving the overall health of the community.
Kaiser Permanente is providing a $125,000 grant to Homeless Resource Council of the Sierras (HRCS), a private non-profit partnership that ensures comprehensive, regional coordination of efforts and resources to reduce the number of people experiencing homelessness or those at risk for homelessness.
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Affordable housing and homelessness are a significant focus for Kaiser Permanente because housing security is crucial for a person’s physical and mental health. In addition to the Homeless Resource Council of the Sierras grant, Kaiser Permanente has taken significant steps to preserve affordable housing, prevent homelessness, and house vulnerable seniors in our Northern California communities including:
• Since 2019, making impact investments of nearly $35 million to support the purchase of 37 properties in Northern California, ensuring that some 3,300 units of housing in those buildings remains affordable.
• In 2020, committing $2 million to leverage a national partnership with Community Solutions and its Built for Zero initiative to end chronic homelessness in Sacramento.
• In 2020, investing $5 million to expand emergency shelter capacity in Sacramento. This is in addition to the $6 million previously given to address immediate needs of people experiencing homelessness in Sacramento
• Investing $25 million in Project Homekey, a statewide initiative to turn underutilized hotels and motels across the state into interim and permanent housing.