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17 tweets that inspired us during World Homelessness Week

Communities across the nation shared ways they are solving homelessness
,   |  October 17, 2022

Homeless responders, organizations, and staff shared their voices during our World Homelessness Week Twitter chat. We discussed ways that elected officials, faith leaders, and other community members can play a role in ending homelessness.

How does homelessness impact your community? 

Rebuilding Together works closely with community residents and leaders to revitalize communities and help neighbors stay in their homes.

Homelessness takes from all of us, but it also takes all of us to change that. How are you working to make homelessness rare and brief?

United Way of Southern Maine is part of a statewide movement to end homelessness. 

The Cumberland County Hub is part of Built for Zero, a movement of over 100 cities and counties that work to measurably end homelessness for entire populations. With tools, such as quality, by-name data, communities are able to know individuals experiencing homelessness and target resources to match them into stable housing.
Doorways, located in Arlington, Virginia, works to create pathways out of homelessness, domestic, violence, and sexual assault.

Arlington County, Virginia, joined Built for Zero in 2015 and reached functional zero for veteran homelessness that same year. Functional zero for veteran homelessness means that fewer veterans are experiencing homelessness than can be routinely housed in a month, with a minimum threshold of 3 veterans.

What is inspiring you in the movement to make homelessness rare and brief?

Metro Denver Homeless Intiative (MDHI) is the region’s Continuum of Care coordinates the region’s response to homelessness. 

Metro Denver is working to develop data-driven systems that can make homelessness rare and brief.
Colts is a Systems Improvement Advisor for Large-Scale Change at Built for Zero. 

Built for Zero is partnering with states to bridge strategy and support across local and state efforts to accelerate an end to homelessness.

What role do business leaders play when it comes to ending homelessness? How has this shown up in your community?

Shepard is a Housing Advocacy Program Manager for the Orange County United Way.
Business leaders can play a key role in their community’s efforts to end homelessness. In some Built for Zero communities, business improvement districts and business communities have mobilized to organize for systems change, created pressure, and provided funding for the policies and support needed to move the community toward its shared aim of functional zero.

Homeless response leaders are the backbone of the work to end homelessness. What are some examples of leaders doing this work in your community?

Why are elected officials a vital part of the solution to end homelessness?

Elected officials have a critical role to play in helping communities equitably and measurably end homelessness.

Faith communities are known to step up when it comes to ending homelessness. How have you seen this in action?

Detroit Rescue Mission Ministries is part of the effort to end homelessness in Detroit.
Homeward Bound of Marin is the primary Marin County, California, homeless shelters and services provider for people experiencing homelessness in the area. 

Faith leaders and organizations can support community-wide efforts to make homelessness rare and brief.

How about health care leaders? How can they help us end homelessness? How have you seen that in action?

Ending homelessness is not the job of a single sector — it’s the job of an entire community.

Across the country, health systems are proving they have a critical role to play in helping communities end homelessness at a population level. Health care systems have embraced this role, understanding that promoting positive health outcomes — and advancing the overall health and well being of their communities— extends beyond the delivery of medical care.

What role can citizens play when it comes to ending homelessness?

Achieving and sustaining an end to homelessness requires the full force of a community demanding it. Learn how you can bridge your own community and the movement at large.

Thank a person or organization working to make homelessness rare and brief.

Be part of the conversation! Follow us on Twitter for upcoming #BfZChats and more conversations about homelessness and how to solve it.

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